Camp Fire Updates

Join host Matt Fidler for a new segment about the recovery/cleanup effort from the Camp Fire. How to get help, how to provide help, what’s going on now, and lessons we’re learning as we go through this process. And, we want to hear from you - the KZFR listener. Do you have questions or concerns that you haven’t gotten answers for yet? About safety or preparedness, or something completely different? Let us here at the station know. Please email us at [email protected]

The Camp Fire Updates can be heard Monday through Thursday at 5pm and 7:30pm, and every Friday at 6:00pm. Listen back below:


UC Davis Camp Fire Health Study Survey: 

Contact Chico City Council -

Sign up for Emergency Alerts

Disaster Preparedness Kits

Evacuation List

Find Your Firesafe Council - 

Parcel Cleanup Progress -

Home Builders Resources Expo - see details by the Paradise Chamber

Honeyrun Covered Bridge Association

Butte Fire Safe Council

Butte County Fire Safe Councils

Butte County Resource Conservation District - Reforestation/Prescribed Burn Association

PG&E Camp Fire Information - Emergency Preparedness

Beauty from the Ashes - a MONCA Event

Delays in Debris Cleanup -

Emergency Medical Service Awards - (916) 431-3700

North State Writers Organization

Chico Permaculture Guild

Treetop Permaculture

Chico ER Article about AB 430 - Read Here

Text of AB 430 - 
Read Here

Habitat for Humanity (530) 343-7423 ext.5

Butte Fire Safe Council (530) 877-0984

PG&E Energy Efficiency Incentives

Share Your Camp Fire Story

Camp Fire Oral History Project  Stefani Baldivia: (530) 898-6778 [email protected]

Amah Mutson Land Trust

Debris Removal Program

Debris Removal Map - view the map here

Chico Creek Counseling (530) 410-0505

California Hope (530) 966-7382

Habitat for Humanity 343-7423 X5Butte Fire Safe Council 877-0984

AB430 Streamline Housing Bill

Make It Paradise

Paradise Irrigation District

Debris Removal Program -

Direct Help for Gift Cards 1-800-RedCross (1-800-733-2767)

Fire Angles Network

Paradise Adopt a Family

NVCF Grants

Camp Fire Housing

Apply for an RV - click HERE to view the application

Wild Fire Recovery

Debris Removal Operation Center - 2805 Esplanade, Chico, CA and 900 Fortress Ave., Chico, CA 900 

Paradise Restoration Camp

Make It Paradise:

Governor Suspending EPA Rules - see the ABC 7 article here

Make It Paradise


Chico Permaculture Group

Tree Top Permaculture

Basics of Permaculture


Read the New York Times Article about 'How PG&E California’s largest utility, has been responsible for wildfires..."


North Valley Community Foundation Grants

Debris Removal Program

Debris Removal Operation Center - 2805 Esplanade, Chico CA / (530) 399-0434

Make It Paradise

Debris Cleanup Questions  (530) 399-0434

Chico ER victim's stories  [email protected]

Princess for the Day (530) 693-1777

Butte College Workforce Development Center  (530) 895-9015

Butte County Fire-Safe Council  (530) 877-0984

UC Davis Camp Fire Pregnancy Study

Questions Regarding UC Davis Study  (530) 752-3226 - [email protected]

Fire Debris Removal Program

Make It Paradise

Disaster Recovery Hotline   1-800-659-2955

North Valley Community Fund

North Valley Animal Disaster Group   https://www.nvadg.orgWildcats Rise Fire Recovery Fund

Fuel Break

Earth Day Film Festival

TreeTop Permaculture

Rebuilding Paradise

Paradise Bottled Water Distribution MON - FRI | 10 am - 2 pm 6332 Clark Road, Paradise CA - Bring proof of Paradise residence
Magalia Bottled Water fill-station (up to 5 gallon jug)MON - FRI | 7 am - 4 pm 13888 Pineneedle Drive, Magalia CA  

Interested in seeing the progress of the debris cleanup? Check out this map

SBA Loan Program 1-800-659-2955

Debris Removal Program -

Mail ROE Forms to:[email protected]  

Debris Removal Program -
Chico Recovery Center - 1982 East 20th Street, Chico, CA
Oroville ROE Center - 202 Mira Loma Drive, Oroville, CA
Paradise Disaster Center - 1080 Ewald Court, Paradise, CA
Mail ROE Forms to: [email protected]

 Debris Removal Program -

Chico Recovery Center - 1982 East 20th Street, Chico, CA 

Oroville ROE Center - 202 Mira Loma Drive, Oroville, CA

Paradise Disaster Center - 1080 Ewald Court, Paradise, CA

Mail ROE Forms to:[email protected]  

Debris Removal Program

As of Friday, January 25th, 2019 only 50% of Paradise residents affected by the Camp Fire have signed up.

Disaster Recovery Center Page:

SBA Info -

SBA Customer Service Line 1-800-659-2955

Debris Removal Program Info - Visit the Chico News and Review

Donate to NVCF -

"...Tetra Tech was awarded CalRecycle’s Camp Fire wildfire debris management contract under the state’s Request for Proposal solicitation process in which the contractor was determined to be both responsive and responsible while offering CalRecycle the lowest project price.
In previous wildfire debris removal operations, Tetra Tech has proven to be a reliable debris management contractor, meeting CalRecycle’s high standards for health and safety, performance, and operational accountability. CalRecycle reviews all lab results and either requires additional testing or approves the results before the sites move to the next stage of Phase II, erosion control. All CalRecycle-managed wildfire debris removal operations are conducted with strict contractor oversight measures to protect the health of wildfire survivors, communities, and all workers involved in debris removal efforts, in addition to internal auditing systems to ensure operational accountability. As the severity of recent California wildfires increased, the size of contract awards for debris management and removal increased as well. Given this new reality, CalRecycle has implemented an auditing process to act as an additional layer of oversight on all current and future projects."

Debris Removal Program

Register with FEMA

Learn more about Aaron Rodgers Community Fund

Free Wattles are being distributed by the Butte County Resource Conservation District - email them directly at [email protected]  

North Valley Animal Disaster Group (530) 895-0000
North Valley Community Foundation  

Paradise Septic Records Request [email protected]

Paradise Parcel Look Up - Visit the Parcel Lookup Tool

Debris Removal Program

Animal Foster Homes - Find them on Facebook

Financial Assistance Forums: Jan 3rd at 1PM & 5M, Jan 8th at 5PM, 890 Fortress Street, Chico, CA


Found out more information about the Shasta Youth Alliance by visiting their Facebook page

Comments on Oroville Recycling Project - [email protected]
Environment Report -

Animal Control Jurisdictions
Butte County Animal Control (unincorporated)      530-552-3888
Chico Animal Control                                             530-897-4960
Gridley/Biggs Animal Control                                 530-846-4825
Oroville Animal Control                                          530-533-7636
Paradise Animal Control                                        530-872-6275

Tehama County Fairgrounds at 650 Antelope Boulevard in Red Bluff, December 17 through 19 and December 27 through 29 from 10 a.m. to 8 p.m.

Redding Public Library at 1100 Parkview Avenue in Redding, December 20 through 22 and January 3 through 5 from 10 a.m. - 8 p.m.

Citrus Heights Community Center at 6300 Fountain Square Drive in Citrus Heights, December 17 through 19 and December 27 through 29 from 10 a.m. to 8 p.m.

Contra Costa County Public Works at 255 Glacier Drive in Martinez, December 17 through 19 and December 27 through 29 from 10 a.m. to 8 p.m.

Alameda County Sheriff's Station at 4985 Broder Boulevard in Dublin, December 20 through 22 and January 3 through 5 from 10 a.m. to 8 p.m.

Sacramento County Regional Parks at 10361 Rockingham Drive in Sacramento, December 20 through 22 and January 3 through 5 from 10 a.m. to 8 p.m

Sign up your property to debris removal by visiting Butte County Recovers.

If you are a small business would and are interested in loan or improvement programs, visit the Disaster Assistance portion of the Small Business Organization

Stay connected with the Butte Fire Safe Council on their Facebook and official website

Find more information about California Hope Butte County here

The California OES is working with FEMA in regards to the proposed debris clean-up route. Learn more about the California Office of Emergency Services