He blends elements of Indian music into his Blues musical and visual presentation, making for a multi-cultural mash-up that sounds like no one else. Don't miss it!
2:42pm, 5-3-2023
You can help guide the Mighty Zephyr into a bright future. Submit your application today...
12:28pm, 5-3-2023
Your Support Puts The Unity In Community Radio!
2:56pm, 4-26-2023
Your donations in action - Just in time for our next heat wave!
5:46pm, 4-25-2023
We appreciate all of the local nonprofits who volunteered during our spring 2023 pledge drive. We couldn't do it without you!
3:38pm, 4-20-2023
Yes, it's coming! And we want to thank the festivals that contributed passes to our spring 2023 pledge drive!
3:34pm, 4-20-2023
Did you forget to pledge last week? No worries! You can still pledge your support to the Mighty Zephyr and pick out a Thank You Gift...
12:25pm, 4-19-2023
Thanks to your contributions we went over our pledge drive goal. Your support is what keeps independent community radio alive in the North State. Your Support Puts The Unity In Community Radio.
12:07pm, 4-19-2023
We've got some great gifts for you to pick from when you pledge including this cool new design by local artist AJ!
10:59am, 4-3-2023
Your support and our hard working dedicated volunteers is what keeps the Mighty Zephyr strong year after year. Which gives everyone in our community the chance to be heard. Together we keep independent community radio a reality in northern California!
10:46am, 4-3-2023
As a member you'd help the station improve and grow to better serve our diverse community. Click for details...
12:29pm, 3-15-2023
Volunteering during our spring pledge drive is fun plus it helps keep independent community radio strong. Click for details...
12:00pm, 3-15-2023
Sign up for the Mighty Zephyr newsletter & you'll automatically be entered into a drawing to win 2 tickets to see Earthkry. Don't delay!
11:10am, 3-6-2023
We're excited to introduce you to the new Voices On The Mighty Zephyr!
1:57pm, 2-17-2023
Chico’s 42nd Annual Celebration of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. and to Kick-Off Black History Month - "We must all learn to live together as brothers [and sisters], or we will all perish together as fools."
12:12pm, 1-16-2023
If you must travel during the current winter storms, you can get info on road conditions, by downloading CalTrans QuickMap app to your smart device. Click for details.
12:07pm, 1-12-2023
bridge closure on County Road 306 due to storm related damage
11:08am, 1-12-2023