In Memoriam

In memoriam of talented volunteers and friends of KZFR Community Radio

KZFR Community Radio is an essential, independent source of news and cultural content for the communities of northern California. Thanks to the dedication of our volunteer programmers, committee members and staff we have been able to fulfill our mission to educate, enlighten, inform and entertain our listeners for over 30 years. 

During the 30+ years of our existence, a wide variety of creative, hardworking individuals have given much of themselves to keep this independent, homegrown, people powered community radio station going strong.

All of the people listed below played vital roles in this station's growth in one way or another and will not be forgotten. 

Winder Baker

John Bilinsky

Dr. Betty Carr 1994-2004: Co-Hosted “The Point Is” a two-hour Saturday morning talk show for ten years. "She was smart, down-to-earth, and peppered her rants with humor." - fellow programmer Laurel Avalon

Barbara Carry

Larry Crisman1943-2022 An early programmer who hosted the American Pastimes show for many years, was an environmental watchdog and longtime Sierra Club member. Here's a CN&R article "Crisman's Crusade" from 2009 about him.

John Dubois 1947-2021: Host of many KZFR shows over the years including 2 Penny Opera & The Kitchen Sink

Lani Louise Dundore 1956-2023: Host of Archaic Revival featuring eclectic new age music by artists like Terence McKenna.

Frederick Earle

Donald "Kupuna Don" Eppenbach 19??-2022 The original host of "Island Rhythms".

Frank Ficarra

Bill Fiedler


Dido Hasper 1948-2004: One of the original hosts of KZFR's "It's Your Body" & founder of the Chico Feminist Women's Health Center

William Henderson

Charlotte Hilgeman 1943-2016: Cohost of "Facets of Jazz" for over 10 years

Jim House

Grant Johnston

RJ Laffins 1960-2023 Host of "RJ's Vinyl Mix"

Bill "Guillermo" Mash 1960-2022 In the 7 years Mash was a KZFR volunteer programmer, he produced a variety of public affairs shows all focused on improving the lives of the less fortunate in our community. 

Homer Metcalf

Loretta Metcalf 

Ruth Mathisen 1927-2013 Our founder Erik's long term efforts and final success in bringing community radio to Chico could only have been accomplished with the continued support, encouragement and enthusiasm of his wife Ruth.

John Nelson

Ed Pitman 1949-2022 Ed was one of KZFR's original programmers and hosted five different shows over the 25 years he was on the air. Including Teen Talk, Morning Sickness and Afternoon Reflux.

Penny Lee Robbins 1948-2020 Original & beloved host of "Truck Stop Special"

Jim Scharples

David Sisk 1945-2021 Local artist and long time supporter of community radio.

Bob Speer 1945-2024 We will never forget that he donated his time and talent designing and building our broadcast and production studios that make up Suite 416. 

Jerry Sweely 19??-2023 Co-host of Basically The Blues for many years.

Joe Topping Co-Hosted “The Point Is” a two-hour talk show for many years. With his wife's assistance he continued hosting the talk show even after he was diagnosed with ALS and lost his ability to talk. "Joe was personable and funny a d smart as a whip." - fellow programmer Laurel Avalon

Richard Wilson