KZFR Has Much to be Thankful For

KZFR operates with a small paid staff and over 100 volunteers who bring you unique programming, staff our board, committees, benefit events and community outreach.

Thanks to the dedication of a wide variety of folks in 2016, KZFR celebrated 26 years of broadcasting in northern California... 

THANK YOU to our Listeners - For tuning in to your favorite shows, for pledging your support, for attending our benefit events and for keeping KZFR strong!

THANK YOU to our Programmers - For volunteering your time creating/hosting unique programs and for keeping KZFR strong!

THANK YOU to our Underwriters - For your financial support, your contributions during our pledge drives and for keeping KZFR strong!

THANK YOU to our Board of Directors & Committee Members - For your guiding hand, taking us into the future and for keeping KZFR strong!

THANK YOU to our Volunteers - For staffing our benefit events, doing community outreach and for keeping KZFR strong!

THANK YOU to the Musicians - For sharing your talents performing at benefit events and for keeping KZFR strong!

And now we're gearing up for 2017! 

Stay tuned to 90.1 FM, visit & find us on Facebook to see what we have planned for next year!

Wow! This community is blessed with many talented artists! We are reviewing all of the submissions and will announce the winner very soon. Stay tuned!
Hopefully you have answers for our Website Redesign Survey. Let us know by 3/16 what you'd like to see on our new site & you could win a prize.
You can listen back to your favorite shows any time you like on any device you like. Just click the ARCHIVE tab above!
We're looking for a cool new design that celebrates KZFR's 35 years of independent, people powered, homegrown, volunteer driven community radio. The winner will get a $250 prize & have their design featured on our swag. Submission Deadline March 2nd...