January 25, 2017 -- Reducing Homelessness in Chico, Cathleen Williams from SHOC, Bob Erlenbush SRCEH, Lisa Currier CCAT, Paul Boden Wrap

Tonight, January 25th on the KZFR 90.1FM at 5pm Pacific on the Without a Roof Radio Program: Without a Roof responds to the "Chico Reducing Homelessness" presentation prepared by Laura Cootsona, Executive Director of The Jesus Center. Our focus of the show is the presentation itself, some of the dynamics of the Chico City Council Meeting with a focus on things that weren't presented such as Homeless Advocacy, legal protection for homeless people, Housing Success Stories, the role of the faith community and how we have ALL the data we need. As well as the need to hold everyone accountable, not just the Homeless Community. We will be publishing an open letter shortly to expand and fully articulate...

We lead the show with Cathleen A Williams, a Civil and Human Rights Attorney from Sacramento and a member of Sacramento Homeless Organizing Committee (SHOC). Cathleen provides details on a ground-breaking civil rights lawsuit, circa 2011, that resulted in an award of ~$500,000 for confiscating and destroying personal property of Sacramento homeless individuals. We also discuss the dynamics of the SHOC group and discuss plans in the works to start a chapter in Chico, California that includes a collaboration with Homeward Street Journal. A street newspaper is coming to Chico, stay tuned!

We follow with Bob Erlenbusch, Executive Director at Sacramento Regional Coalition To End Homelessness and current board president of National Coalition for the Homeless. Bob focuses on the report itself with details about what Sacramento is doing to address homelessness and things that Chico should be doing as well.

Next we have Lisa Currier from Crisis Care Advocacy & Triage with an update on a new supportive housing unit for community members experiencing mental illness that is done in partnership with CHAT - Chico Housing Action Team

We end the show with Paul Boden, Executive Director at Western Regional Advocacy Project who discusses a survey of people experiencing homelessness in the Chico Downtown Business Improvement District Downtown Chico Business Association Dcba, why it's needed, how it works and why the voices and stories of people experiencing homelessness need to be an equal part of any discussion. Without a Roof will be coordinating this survey in Chico, California shortly (stay tuned).

Learn more about an upcoming report on the Chico Business Improvement District prepared by UC Berkeley School of law by listening to this 6-minutes summary be a representative of the Law Schools Policy Advocacy Group. >>> https://youtu.be/9ZqWd4I3IIw

00:00 -- Show Theme
01:10 -- Remembering Harley Young amidst the crushing moral crisis of homelessness in Chico, California
             Youtube Archive >>  https://youtu.be/f9qLzKyDr8A
02:22 -- Show rundown 
03:47 -- Cathleen Williams from the Sacramento Homeless Organizing Committee
              Youtube Archive >> https://youtu.be/412AKuAAC3I
16:53 -- Bob Erlenbusch, Executive Director of the Sacramento Regional Coalition to End Homelessness and Board President of the National Coalition for the Homeless
              Youtube Archive >> https://youtu.be/o3L3fc_O9dw
24:42 -- Lisa Currier from Crisis Care Advocacy and Triage with an update on their new supportive housing unit
              Youtube Archive >> https://youtu.be/dt0BQXEfeeg
26:27 -- Paul Boden from Western Regional Advocacy Project with details on the downtown Business Improvement District Survey that Without a Roof and friends will be administering downtown.
              Youtube Archive >> https://youtu.be/kCdFNSTFS1w
29:53 -- Show wrap-up

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