Free Skill Share Classes @ The Touch

At KZFR's 14th Annual Touch of Chico on Sun, Sept 20th, we will be offering Free Skill Share Classes, from Noon to 5:15pm, hosted by knowledgeable local healers. Scroll down for schedule & details. Registration not necessary but helpful. Please, contact Diane at [email protected]

Janice Hoffman

Noon-12:50  Nutritional therapy "Sugar blues" with Janice Hoffman
RYT, Certified Integrative Nutrition Health Coach, Program Coordinator for Quality of Life Medicine. Before most people even knew what a calorie is, 90% avoided obesity and 99% avoided Type 2 Diabetes! Why is it that the more information we have and the more diet aides, books and gizmos we can buy we keep getting fatter and sicker? Janice Hofmann will cover some fascinating information about what is contributing to the obesity and diabetes epidemics currently. Also, you will learn some valuable steps to achieving your personal journey to optimal health.

Higgy Lerner

1-1:50 Qi gung and tai ji quan exercises and practices with Higgy Lerner, Lac.
Experience qi gong and tai ji quan exercises and practices. This will be a brief experiential forum for participants to get a taste of these health practices.  Anyone welcome. Taught by Higgy Lerner, local acupuncturist and teacher of tai ji and qi gong.


2-2:50 Sound Healing with Emiliano Jimenez
A native from Jujuy (northern Argentina), Emiliano has been residing in Chico since 2012. His passion has been focused on overall health and the holistic health care framework, which moved him to become a Transpersonal Therapist at the "Escuela Argentina de Psicologia Transpersonal".  He has focused his energies on exploring the healing properties of ancient musical instruments such as the Australian Didgeridoo, Tibetan Singing Bowls, Gong and Crystal Singing Bowls.  Developing his own approach to a body-mind therapy using the sound and vibrations of the instruments as well as deep relaxation and imagery. Class Description ~ The classes are designed to be a pleasurable experience. Through breathing exercises and relaxation techniques we prepare ourselves to receive the sound and its vibrations. The sound will take our body and mind into a deep relaxation awaking our own healing potential. You will leave the session with a strong feeling of well being, inner peace, balance and energy.  It can be a very powerful personal experience even for first timers. The music & sound are performed live by Emiliano with instruments like didgeridoo, crystal and Tibetan singing bowls, gong and more.

Emily Tool

3-3:50 Neuromovement with Rosalie Parker and Emily Tool
This demonstration/talk will include a discussion of the "9 Essentials" enumerated by Anat Baniel as being critical to our ability to learn new ways of being. Neuromovement (formerly called ABM Anat Banial Mehtod) is a learning-based approach to improved physical and neurological organization. This can lead to increased flexibility without stretching, improved posture and balance, reduced joint and muscular pain and symptomatic improvement is a wide array of neurological conditions.


4-4:50 Living our Wholeness with Grace Wood-Wills
Grace has a master’s degree in Transpersonal Psychology, and sees clients in Chico as a Transformation Facilitator through her business, Love Awakening Within. The Key to living our wholeness is a process that involves honoring, deep listening, accepting, and opening to those aspects of ourselves that we try to exaggerate, hide, ignore, dislike, and deny. We notice that a new awareness and feeling of balance emerges…one of loving and accepting ourselves.  We also feel more in touch with our integrity and responsibility to be awakened citizens and to create conscious actions that lead to healing, growth and sustainability of our planet and all her creatures. During our time together we will creatively explore duality and the Oneness of Being.


5:15-6 Beginners Pilates with Bobbi Jones
The session will be a beginner instruction of Pilates principles with head to toe organization techniques of the body. *Please, bring a yoga mat.

Sat 11/16 Everyone is invited to come take a tour of the station, chat with programmers, committee members & staff plus even watch behind the scenes of the on air programmer at the mic. Parking is free on the weekend & there'll be snacks...
Thank you to EVERYONE who volunteered to staff our phones during our "Band Together" Fall 2024 Pledge Drive!
5:52pm, 11-5-2024
Come on up to the 4th floor & join us on Sat, Nov 16th!
1:49pm, 11-5-2024
Thanks to all of you, we almost reached our goal of $45k. If you didn't get a chance to pledge, there's still time for you to help us reach our goal & get a thank you gift...
You Could Win this beautiful art piece! If you've never pledged to KZFR before now's a good time to finally do it.
12:19pm, 10-25-2024