Local Grapes: Making Wine At Butte College

World Explorations Lecture Series Presents ~ Local Grapes: Making Wine at Butte College

 Join us on Sunday March 8th from 4-5 pm at the Chico Women’s Club to hear Butte College Environmental Horticulture Coordinator, Tip Wilmarth, discuss Butte College’s vineyards.  Learn how Cabernet, Syrah and Nebbiolo Lampia varietals are grown on campus vineyards for the college’s Winegrowing Practices courses.  The long term goal is to make, cellar, sell and offer wine tastings on campus.   

World Explorations is a free lecture series sponsored by the Valene L. Smith Museum of Anthropology.  The talk is free and open to the public.  The Chico Women’s Club is located at 592 E. 3rd Street in downtown Chico. For more information call 530-898-5397 or email [email protected].

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