North State Regional Investment Initiative - upcoming HRTC Meeting

The North State Convening Team of the Regional Investment Initiative-a program of California Jobs First- is pleased to announce the next High Road Transition Collaborative (HRTC) meeting. Join us Thursday, May 9, 2024 at the Plumas County Fairgrounds in Quincy, California and online.

This is a FREE hybrid event, however in-person attendance is encouraged to achieve the maximum collaborative experience. For logistical purposes, registration is required for both hybrid and in-person attendance.

This meeting will include the following (subject to change):

  • North State CA Jobs First Governance Structure
  • North State Subcommittee Updates
  • Catalyst and Implementation Funding Updates
  • Catalyst and Implementation Project Submissions and Rubric
  • North State Regional Plan Parts I & II

Wow! This community is blessed with many talented artists! We are reviewing all of the submissions and will announce the winner very soon. Stay tuned!
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