Together We Are Powerful

KZFR is here for the community & honestly we need the community to be there for us.

There is no grassroots, local, home grown, people powered community radio without community support.

Your pledges during our Fall Pledge Drive will insure KZFR is here for you. Your pledges will allow us to repair or replace some very important but aging equipment like the Operations Board, microphones & the HVAC unit. After 32 years of broadcasting, these capital improvements will ensure community radio will continue to broadcast strong for everyone in the north state & beyond for another 32 years.

4 Easy Ways To Pledge

  • Click that Donate tab
  • Text 'pledgekzfr' to 44321
  • Venmo us @kzfr901
  • Call 530.895.0131

As a token of our appreciation we got you something special - Thank You Gifts

Make a pledge and you can select a new mug (pictured below), an insulated tumbler, the popular castro cap, tote bag & more. We even have concert tickets & passes to the Hangtown Music festival. Click that DONATE TAB to see more pictures.

Your pledges also help cover the everyday costs running your community radio station. We provide services such as training community members in broadcasting, producing our community calendar to promote non-profits, and providing thought-provoking and enlightening content, at no cost to the public. If KZFR has ever made you smile, dance or aware of an important issue, please, consider pledging today. Please, keep your community radio station strong. We can't do it it without you. Thank you.

Wow! This community is blessed with many talented artists! We are reviewing all of the submissions and will announce the winner very soon. Stay tuned!
Hopefully you have answers for our Website Redesign Survey. Let us know by 3/16 what you'd like to see on our new site & you could win a prize.
You can listen back to your favorite shows any time you like on any device you like. Just click the ARCHIVE tab above!
We're looking for a cool new design that celebrates KZFR's 35 years of independent, people powered, homegrown, volunteer driven community radio. The winner will get a $250 prize & have their design featured on our swag. Submission Deadline March 2nd...