BOD Closed Session - Tuesday, April 6, 2021

Start Time: 6 pm

End Time: 7:33 pm

According to Corporate for Public Broadcasting (CPB) Compliance Guidelines: 

B. When may a meeting be closed? 

The Act allows stations to hold Closed Meetings, or to close an Open Meeting, when discussing any of the following:

1. matters concerning individual employees;

Find the post on our Facebook or Instagram page & tag-a-friend for a chance to win 2 tickets!
3:03pm, 9-6-2024
The Touch of Chico is free to attend so bring all your friends for a fun afternoon in the park on Sun, Sept 15th. Get a massage and stick around to enjoy the music & food!
It’s up to each of us to take every precaution to protect our homes, and our neighborhoods.
5:18pm, 9-1-2024
Congratulations to the KZFR "Youth Radio Camp" graduating class of 2024! We look forward to hearing your voices on air soon.
Thanks to these Local Practitioners you'll have a wide variety of healing modalities to try at try at the Touch of Chico this year on Sept 15th!
12:55pm, 8-22-2024