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KZFR 2016 Fall Pledge Drive

Location: Earth
    • 6:00am Wednesday, October 19, 201611:00pm Friday, October 28, 2016

    KZFR’s Fall 2016 pledge drive begins Wednesday, October 19th 

    During the 10-day pledge drive we have special shows planned and live in studio performances to celebrate our over 25 years of broadcasting. Many businesses, musicians, festivals and more contribute items that will be available as Thank You Gifts for listeners who pledge their support. Dozens of volunteers from the community will be answering the phones when you call in, many of them representing other local non-profit organizations.

    As a non-profit, independent, non-commercial community radio station, KZFR relies on it’s listeners for support during the pledge drive. KZFR listeners understand the importance of an independent, non-commercial radio station. They support KZFR because they understand the value of a radio station that broadcasts unique music, progressive news, informative public affairs and kids programs you won’t find on mainstream stations.

    Stay tuned to 90.1 FM or stream us here for more details soon!

    "Community radio is important because it prevents homogenization of our community. Diversity should be acknowledged and celebrated and KZFR can be a platform for the celebration. Whether we present music and art or news and information, if it comes from local individuals from all walks of life then we are promoting our diversity and building a better community. " ~ Tom Leonardi, American Pastimes Co-Host and KZFR Board Chair

    "Community radio is vitally important. Once established it becomes the accessibility gateway for voices of the community to share and communicate what's going on in their lives, their creative projects, their passions, their knowledge. Where else can you find this with such ease of access?" ~ Diane Suzuki, One World Music Host

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