Update on Immigration Reform Bill & Starting a Dialogue about Rape Culture

Tonight Sue Hilderbrand will talk with Laura Cahue, community advocate and organizer at the South Carolina Appleseed Legal Justice Center, about the latest events surrounding the Senate's 'Gang of Eight' immigration reform bill.

Then, a TED Talk talk by Jackson Katz, MVP Strategies, about why it is necessary for men to take responsibility for stopping violence against women, and not relegate to the 'women's issue' pile.  This talk will start a conversation that will continue next week (6/5) about identifying and changing rape culture.

10:00pm, 5-1-2024
10:00pm, 5-1-2024
7:30pm, 5-1-2024
7:00pm, 5-1-2024
6:00pm, 5-1-2024