Wednesday, June 17, 2020 -- The Chico Meal Outreach Program and Project Roomkey as these two programs wind down.

"I just wanted to say thank you to Addison and Alexandra (Chico Meal Outreach Coordinators) for putting in endless hours, endless unpaid extra hours. Not just that but for your care. It's not a job for you, it's about connecting with community." -- Kelly Munson

A handful of people reached out last week to thank me for producing the June 10th edition[1] of the Without a Roof radio program. Several said it was my best show ever. IMHO — tomorrows show is my best show ever. The compassion, care and honesty of humans being better in the worst of times is overwhelming me at the moment. Proximity is the shining light in a world that often manifests as cold and dark. This show is all about the light.


00:00 -- Top of the hour and show theme
01:34 -- Ann Anybody from Anywhere USA. Click here for the video
03:06 -- Show introduction including happy birthday wishes for Bill Such, past Executive Director at the Jesus Center
04:32 -- Neighborly Houseless Encampment outreach with Kelly, Richard, Matthew
10:05 -- John and Melissa Howlett at Annie's Glen
14:20 -- Volunteers and paid staff for the Meal Outreach Program reflect on what they have learned with Guillermo Sawyer, and Erin
21:09 -- A woman Erin and Guillermo have helped quite a bit, and gotten to know quite well reflects on her situation.
26:27 -- Brandy Kathryn and Johnny explain how vital the outreach program has been to their living situation during the pandemic
29:40 -- Kelly Munson giving thanks to the Outreach Volunteer Coordinators, Alex Wynter and Addison Winslow.
30:24 -- Alexandra Wynter reflects on what she has learned as volunteer coordinator.
33:22 -- Kelly and Guillermo delivering baby wipes, broom, dustpan, toothpaste and brush to the woman you heard earlier at 21:09
34:15 -- Back in the studio with Guillermo
36:16 -- Outreach coordinator Addison Winslow reflects on how the outreach program sprouted, blossomed and what is needed to keep it going.
43:50 -- A follow-up interview with Julian, someone Addison and Guillermo outreached with at the start of the Outreach Program
48:02 -- Casey Doran on Project Roomkey and the need for a year-round shelter for Safe Space Winter Shelter. 

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11:30am, 1-29-2025
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