Two destitute Chico residents in tents respond to the vicious sign that sprung up recently on HW99 North. Casey Doran with Safe Space Winter Shelter on her involvement with Project Roomkey. An update from the desk of Chico Vice Mayor, Alex Brown, on the proposed emergency shelter, Project Roomkey, NVHRC needle exchange and the impact of Covid-19 on the Code Red cooling shelters. Ed Mayer, Executive Director of the Housing Authority of the County of Butte shares details on over 1,000 affordable housing units in the works encompassing 15-projects throughout Butte County.
00:00 -- Top of the hour and show theme
01:35 -- Two destitute Chico residents in tents respond to the vicious sign that sprung up recently on HW99 North
04:20 -- Casey Doran with Safe Space Winter Shelter on her involvement with Project Roomkey
08:57 -- What "Defund the Chico PD" means directly from
10:24 -- From the desk of Chico Vice Mayor, Alex Brown
38:42 -- Ed Mayer, Executive Director of the Housing Authority of the County of Butte with the scoop on the 1k+ affordable housing build projects pending for Butte County.