April 4, 2020 - Playlist by John:D

Time / Artist / Song / Release / Genre / Label

10:59:16 AM / Ickes, Rob / Don't Give It Up / Slide City /  / 

11:04:13 AM / Sky Kings, The / It's a Great Day To Be Alive / From Out Of The Blue /  / 

11:08:16 AM / Cassidy, Eva / Bridge Over Troubled Waters / Live At Blues Alley /  / 

11:13:41 AM / Jewell, Eilen / Crazy Mixed Up World / Down Hearted Blues /  / 

11:16:05 AM / Doobie Brothers, The / Toulouse Street / Long Train Runnin' 1970-2000 (Disc 1) /  / 

11:19:21 AM / Giddens, Rhiannon / Don't Let It Trouble Your Mind / Tomorrow Is My Turn /  / 

11:22:52 AM / High South / Leaving California / Peace, Love & Harmony /  / 

11:26:37 AM / O'Donovan, Aoife / Lakes Of Pontchartrain / Bull Frogs Croon (And Other Songs) /  / 

11:31:32 AM / DiMeola, Al / Here Comes The Sun / Across the Universe /  / 

11:34:52 AM / Souza, Karen / This Masquerade / Language Of Love /  / 

11:38:48 AM / Russell, Leon / A Song For You / The Many Faces Of Elton John /  / 

11:43:03 AM / Arriale, Lynne Trio / Chimes Of Freedom / Chimes Of Freedom /  / 

11:47:55 AM / Sunset Canyoneers / Junk #1 / Sunset Canyoneers /  / 

11:50:03 AM / Lightfoot, Gordon / Do You Walk Do You Talk / Solo /  / 

11:53:18 AM / Richey, Kim / Come Around / A Long Way Back:  The Songs Of Glimmer /  / 

11:56:45 AM / Mapache / Me Voy Pa’l Pueblo / From Liberty Street /  / 

11:59:49 AM / Pearl Django / Snow In The Emerald City / Simplicity /  / 

12:03:02 PM / Erelli, Mark / Lost in Translation / Blindsided /  / 

12:06:46 PM / Andrews, Jill / Sorry Now / Thirties /  / 

12:09:52 PM / Stickland, Craig / Starlit Afternoon / Starlit Afternoon /  / 

12:13:23 PM / Peacock, Sarah / Mojave / Burn the Witch /  / 

12:17:25 PM / Lambert, Adam / Feel Something / Velvet /  / 

12:20:19 PM / O'g3Ne / Straight To You / Straight To You /  / 

12:23:06 PM / Schneider, Bob / Easy / KGSR Broadcasts Vol. 24 /  / 

12:26:20 PM / Lady Antebellum / What I'm Leaving For / Live: In The Round /  / 

12:32:38 PM / Douglas, Jerry / Black Ridge Ramble / Southern Filabuster: A Tribute To Tut Taylor /  / 

12:36:01 PM / Kaplansky, Lucy / I'm Looking Through You / Reunion /  / 

12:39:26 PM / Taylor, James / You Can Close Your Eyes / iHeartRadio Theater, NYC 2020 /  / 

12:42:06 PM / Roys, The / Mandolin Man (w Lawson, Doyle) / The View /  / 

12:45:25 PM / High South / Peace, Love & Harmony / Peace, Love & Harmony /  / 

12:49:40 PM / Cashdollar, Cindy / Foggy Mt. Rock / Waltz For Abilene /  / 

12:52:31 PM / Shires, The / People Like Us / Good Years /  / 

12:55:49 PM / Midón, Raul / I Really Want To See You Again / The Mirror /  / 

12:58:29 PM / Wirtz, Rev. Billy C. / Smokie (Pt. 2) / Full Circle /  / 

1:01:35 PM / Block, Rory / He May Be Your Man / Prove It On Me /  / 

1:05:40 PM / Fireside Collective / Fast Train / Elements /  / 

1:09:47 PM / Band of Ruhks / Run Fanny Run / Authentic /  / 

1:12:50 PM / Sideline / Crash Course In The Blues / Breaks To The Edge /  / 

1:16:51 PM / Hayseed Dixie / Africa / Blast From The Grassed /  / 

1:20:09 PM / Pickin' On Players / Tripping Billies / Bluegrass Sampler /  / 

1:22:22 PM / Diffie, Joe / Hard To Handle / Homecoming: The Bluegrass Album /  / 

1:24:48 PM / Little Feat / This Land Is Your Land / Ripe Tomatos Vol 1 /  / 

  • 11:01am by on ( )
  • 11:04am A Great Day to Be Alive by The Sky Kings on A Great Day to Be Alive (WMG - Warner Nashville)
  • 11:08am Bridge Over Troubled Water by Eva Cassidy on Bridge Over Troubled Water (WMG - BLIX Street)
  • 11:14am Crazy Mixed Up World by Eilen Jewell on Down Hearted Blues (Signature Sounds Recordings)
  • 11:16am Toulouse Street by The Doobie Brothers on Toulouse Street (WMG - Warner Rhino Off Roster-Audio)
  • 11:19am Don't Let It Trouble Your Mind by Rhiannon Giddens on Don't Let It Trouble Your Mind (WMG - Nonesuch)
  • 11:23am Leaving California by High South on Peace, Love & Harmony (High South Records And Music Productions)
  • 11:27am Lakes of Pontchartrain by Aoife O'Donovan on Bull Frogs Croon (And Other Songs) (Yep Roc Records)
  • 11:31am by on ( )
  • 11:31am Come And Get Your Love by Redbone on Come And Get Your Love (Purple Pyramid)
  • 11:32am Here Comes the Sun by Al Di Meola on Across the Universe (earMUSIC)
  • 11:32am by on ( )
  • 11:35am This Masquerade by Karen Souza on This Masquerade / There You Are (Karen Souza)
  • 11:39am Song For You by Leon Russell on A Song For You (Studio T)
  • 11:43am Chimes of Freedom by Lynne Arriale Trio/K.J. Denhert on Chimes of Freedom (Challenge Records)
  • 11:48am Junk #1 by Sunset Canyoneers on Sunset Canyoneers (You Are the Cosmos / Familiar)
  • 11:50am Do You Walk, Do You Talk by Gordon Lightfoot on Do You Walk, Do You Talk (WMG - WM Canada)
  • 11:53am Come Around by Kim Richey on Come Around (Yep Roc Records)
  • 11:57am Me Voy Pa’l Pueblo by Mapache on From Liberty Street (Yep Roc Records)
  • 12:00pm by on ( )
  • 12:02pm Snow in the Emerald City by Pearl Django on Simplicity (Modern Hot Records)
  • 12:02pm by on ( )
  • 12:03pm Lost in Translation by Mark Erelli on Blindsided (Mark Erelli)
  • 12:07pm Sorry Now by Jill Andrews on Sorry Now (Vulture Vulture / Tone Tree Music)
  • 12:10pm Starlit Afternoon by Craig Stickland on Starlit Afternoon (eOne Music Canada)
  • 12:13pm Mojave by Sarah Peacock on Burn the Witch (Road Dog Enterprises)
  • 12:17pm Feel Something by Adam Lambert on Feel Something (More Is More, LLC / EMPIRE)
  • 12:20pm Straight To You by OG3NE on Straight To You (Cornelis Music)
  • 12:23pm by on ( )
  • 12:26pm What I'm Leaving For - Live: In The Round by Lady Antebellum on Live: In The Round (BMLG Records)
  • 12:30pm by on ( )
  • 12:33pm Black Ridge Ramble by Curtis Burch on Southern Filibuster: A Tribute To Tut Taylor (eOne Music)
  • 12:33pm by on ( )
  • 12:36pm I’m Looking Through You by Lucy Kaplansky on Reunion (Red House Records)
  • 12:39pm by on ( )
  • 12:42pm Mandolin Man by The Roys on The View (Rural Rhythm Records)
  • 12:45pm Peace, Love and Harmony by High South on Peace, Love & Harmony (Red Bullet)
  • 12:50pm Foggy Mt. Rock by Cindy Cashdollar on Waltz for Abilene (Silver Shot Records)
  • 12:53pm People Like Us by The Shires on People Like Us (WMG - BMG Rights Management (UK) Limited)
  • 12:56pm I Really Want to See You Again by Raul Midón on The Mirror (Artistry Music)
  • 12:59pm by on ( )
  • 1:02pm He May Be Your Man by Rory Block on Prove It On Me (Stony Plain Records)
  • 1:06pm Fast Train by Fireside Collective on Elements (Crossroads Label Group)
  • 1:10pm Run Fanny Run by Band of Ruhks on Band of Ruhks (Rebel Records Llc)
  • 1:13pm Crash Course in the Blues by Sidline on Crash Course in the Blues (Crossroads Records)
  • 1:17pm Africa by Hayseed Dixie on Blast From the Grassed (Hayseed Dixie Records)
  • 1:20pm Tripping Billies by Pickin' On Series on The Fantastic Pickin' on Series - Bluegrass Sampler (CMH Records)
  • 1:22pm Hard To Handle by Joe Diffie on Homecoming: The Bluegrass Album (Rounder)
  • 1:25pm This Land Is Your Land by Little Feat on 40 Feat: The Hot Tomato Anthology 1971-2011 (Proper Records)
  • 1:29pm Running On Empty by Jackson Browne & David Lindley on Running On Empty (WMG - ADA Global)
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