February 21, 2018 -- Eric's street wisdom and the need for housing, Grant with a response to a Chico First post whereby the Torres Shelter shared private information on a guest and Chico Country Day faculty with an Abandoned project update


Outreaching in the Plaza with an update on ”a sweet little elderly homeless lady,” who looks great thanks to three-months of living at the The Jesus Center Sabbath House for woman and Children. Eric makes a plea for housing assistance with CHAT - Chico Housing Action Team while sharing his keen insight on being homeless on the streets of Chico. We also interview Grant, who responds to a Chico First Facebook post detailing his shelter situation with the Torres Community Shelter. We start the show with the faculty at Chico Country Day School with an update on Abandoned, their 8th grade class project on Homelessness.

00:00 -- Show Theme
05:30 -- Show Introduction
10:44 -- Chico Country Day
20:15 -- Grant's response to the Chico First Facebook post
27:02 -- Summarizing my concerns with the Torres Shelter

10:30am, 5-5-2024
8:00am, 5-5-2024
6:00am, 5-5-2024
12:00am, 5-5-2024
10:00pm, 5-4-2024