May 31, 2017 -- Shahera Hyatt on the pitfalls of the California Foster Care System and Jess Candela with Butte County Youth Advisory Council interviews Jennifer Barzey from 6th Street and Anthony from the YAC


A conversation with Shahera Hyatt with the California Homeless Youth Project on the California foster care system. Jess Candela with the Butte County Youth Advisory Council (YAC) interviews Jennifer Barzey, program manager at 6th Street Center for Youth and Anthony, a member of the YAC.

00:00 -- Show theme
01:07 -- Show rundown
03:12 -- Shahera Hyatt Interview focusing on this San Francisco Chronicle article on Foster Care Group Homes titled, Fostering Failure: Dubious Arrests and Damaged Lives
16:19 -- Jess Candela interviews
26:23 -- Next weeks show

10:00pm, 4-24-2024
10:00pm, 4-24-2024
7:30pm, 4-24-2024
6:00pm, 4-24-2024