March 8, 2017 -- A Salute to Veterans: Interviews throughout Nor-Cal and from Bravo Base - Camp Conklin in Tucson , Arizona

Featuring Without a Roof interviews throughout Northern California including Yuba-Sutter Veterans Stand Down and the North Valley Stand Down in Anderson. All wrapped around our featured interview with Bravo Base - "Camp Conklin", a hand-up tent community for chronically homeless Veterans in Tuscon, Arizona

The Without a Roof vignettes are available for viewing by clicking the links in the index.

00:00 -- Top of the hour and show theme.
01:31 -- Ninety seconds of kindness. Without a Roof at the 2013 North Valley Stand-down in Anderson, CA
02:51 -- Show rundown with a poem for International Woman's Day
03:48 -- Tom Miller: Roofless to Riyadh Saudi Arabia  - 2015 Yuba Sutter Stand Down
06:38 -- Young and Homeless and not by choice
08:40 -- Underwriter
09:15 -- Bravo Base -- Camp Conklin, Tuscon Arizona
20:15 -- Introduction for the next two segments
21:21 -- Jeremy's HUD Vash Housing Story
22:23 -- Stand Down After Dark a vignette from the 2012 Yuba Sutter Veterans Stand Down
25:01 -- Intro to the last two segments
25:42 -- Veterans deserve our gratitude every day. July 2012, Vietnam War Memorial in Sacramento, CA
27:28 -- Candid words with from a Vietnam War Veteran. Filmed in 2013 at the Chico Food Locker
28:57 -- Ending theme with contact information


12:00am, 12-4-2024
10:00pm, 12-3-2024
6:30pm, 12-3-2024
6:00pm, 12-3-2024