May 5, 2023 LaDona Knigge, Geography & Planning CSUC, Taylor Scheinuk, Transportation Planner, Patrizia Hironimus, new BEC Executive Director

Host Bryce Goldstein 

Bike Month show featuring two local transportation planning professionals and the new director of Butte Environmental Council.

CSUC Geography & Planning Professor LaDona Knigge discusses transportation planning's relationship with social justice. Transportation Planner Taylor Scheinuk shares ideas for a better, more equitable transportation system, and Patrizia Hironimus discusses her new role as Executive Director of local nonprofit Butte Environmental Council.

  • 12:01pm Jaywalking (Array) by Billy Mack Collector on Collector (690055 Records DK)
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9:00am, 7-26-2024
8:00am, 7-26-2024
6:00am, 7-26-2024
5:00am, 7-26-2024