January 6, 2022 -- Plunging into 2022

The final edition as Guillermo Mash, the producer and host of The Chico Vibe commences a 2023 sabbatical from audio stories to focus on written word and public speaking. 

With The New Years Day Polar Bear Plunge, the lowdown on the return of live theatre in Butte County with Jason Cassidy, Matt Eckhardt performing Sucker Fish Sucks and a message for him from his mom. 

Our main feature is a uncovering Butte County murder, mayhem and lies the settlers brought to Mechoopda Territory and how all meaningful history of native american culture and arts has been suffocated to the point nearly everyone considers that the history of our land started when white European Settlers came and conquered the land. 

Listen on Anchor.fm

Listen on Spotify 

  • 6:45pm Homenagem à Mary Vivian Pearce by Gabriel Bernini on Reverbero 1 (Gabriel Bernini [dist. Tratore])
  • 6:45pm by on ( )
  • 6:49pm Listen by Collective Soul on Disciplined Breakdown (Craft Recordings)
  • 6:53pm by on ( )
  • 6:54pm No Witnesses by TRN ME UP on No Witnesses (2043612 Records DK)
  • 6:55pm by on ( )
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12:00am, 12-4-2024
10:00pm, 12-3-2024
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6:00pm, 12-3-2024