"I first got involved with KZFR back in 2014. Jake Sprecher invited me to do my first training to become a radio programmer on his show ‘Say Hey’. I thought I was just going to sit in but right as the show began Jake slid a microphone my way and said “you are about to do your first radio show”. I was nervous (and probably terrible) but after that experience I was hooked! Grant Parks took me under his wing and with the support of our GM Rick I began to develop my own radio programs. I now host the longest running hip hop show on KZFR with “FLiPSiDE RADiO” and Chico’s only locally produced sports talk show “Talkin Bout Practice”. My goal when I first started doing radio was to connect with one listener, now both shows have created their own unique community. I cannot thank KZFR enough for the love, support, and encouragement. I found a second family at KZFR and I found my passion."