Together We Can! Healthy Living in Butte County

Together We Can! Healthy Living in Butte County

The California Health Collaborative and hundreds of local agencies and community members, have formed a partnership titled “Together We Can! Healthy Living in Butte County” to realize a shared vision of a healthier Butte County.

The partnership’s work will produce a written countywide Community Health Assessment, which will describe the county’s health status, define areas for improvement and identify assets that can be mobilized to improve health for everyone in Butte County.  The assessment will then be used to develop a Community Health Improvement Plan outlining action steps to address the priority health issues identified within the assessment.

In the coming weeks, Together We Can! Healthy Living in Butte County will be gathering thoughts and ideas from county residents regarding what they believe are the biggest community health issues facing our area. A community health survey has been created to help capture this information.

Please, take 10-15 minutes to complete the survey to help us understand the health priorities and needs of Butte County residents!

The survey is available in English, Spanish and Hmong and will be live until Fri, Oct 17th.
It can be taken via Survey Monkey by clicking on any of the following links:


To ensure as many people as possible have a voice in the assessment, please pass along and promote the survey links to your friends, family, colleagues, those you serve, and as Butte County residents as possible!

To learn more about “Together We Can! Healthy Living in Butte County”, please, visit our website or contact Gene Azparren from the Butte County Public Health Department at (530) 538.7009 or [email protected].

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