Thank You For The Art Submissions!

Art Celebrating 35 Years of Community Radio

We asked the artsy, creative folks of the community for a cool new design that celebrates KZFR's 35 years of independent, people powered, homegrown, volunteer driven community radio and wow you definitely delivered. Our team is reviewing all of the designs right now and will contact the winner directly. 

The Winner will receive a $250 prize, have their art on our spring pledge drive swag plus be featured on our social media pages.

Stay tuned to the Mighty Zephyr because we'll be announcing the winner & showcasing their art very soon.

Hopefully you have answers for our Website Redesign Survey. Let us know by 3/16 what you'd like to see on our new site & you could win a prize.
You can listen back to your favorite shows any time you like on any device you like. Just click the ARCHIVE tab above!
We're looking for a cool new design that celebrates KZFR's 35 years of independent, people powered, homegrown, volunteer driven community radio. The winner will get a $250 prize & have their design featured on our swag. Submission Deadline March 2nd...