CampFire "Big Picture" group portrait in Paradise!




PARADISE, CA, February 13, 2019—The public is invited to participate in an aerial portrait of Paradise, consisting of up to 1000 people, including Camp Fire survivors and those who stand with them, gathering in Paradise at NOON, MONDAY, FEBRUARY 18TH, at 1330 Elliott Road in Paradise. The event is being organized by the #ClimateUprising movement, and will create a powerful image to draw attention to the increasing ferocity, frequency, and deadliness of California wildfires due to climate change. The group #ClimateUprising joins a growing global call for bipartisan climate action.

[The portrait will use a 30-foot jib crane and drone to capture the image of the group, who will be holding a large #CLIMATEUPRISING banner. The video will be posted on social media to help bring attention to a Town Hall on the Climate Crisis being planned in Butte County for the spring, and to build a platform for those impacted by the wildfire who want to add their voice to a bipartisan call for climate action. is a newly formed organization that grew out of a trip that several Camp Fire survivors took to Washington, D.C. in December to speak with legislators about climate change. The film shoot is being directed by filmmaker Nirvan Mullick (Caine's Arcade, #EarthToParis, and co-founder of #ClimateUprising), and is being made in collaboration with local residents from Paradise and community organizers to call attention to the need for immediate action to avoid the devastating effects of the climate crisis.

“This community has powerful stories about what climate change looks like that the world needs to hear. This image is intended to help give a compelling visual to these stories," Mullick said, "Paradise may become to climate change what Parkland has been to gun reform." 

"The Camp Fire's destruction is clearly connected to climate change, according to leading scientists,” added  co-organizer Susan Dobra, who lost her home in Paradise and then travelled to D.C. to speak to legislators about climate change, “and reports from climate scientists say we have only 10–12 years to turn it around before the damage to our planet becomes irreparable. What happened to us in Paradise and our surrounding communities is a wake-up call that the time for bipartisan action is now.”]

The Portrait in Paradise event is free and will include an open mic immediately afterwards at the Terry Ashe Recreational Center at 6626 Skyway in Paradise. All participants will get a digital copy of the group portrait. 

More info and event updates are on 

Participants can meet at the parking lot of the Terry Ashe Rec Center first, starting at 12:30 pm, where carpools will take people to the portrait site. Participants are requested to bring their own water or reusable water bottle —none is available for drinking or washing in Paradise. Food and refreshments will be available for purchase via local food trucks. 

Press Contact:

877-4995 or [email protected] 

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