April 5, 2017 -- HUD Budget Cuts the Impacts with Ed Mayer and Dr. Robert Marbutt

"This is going to become such a crisis very, very fast. Even people that don't understand there is a problem now will visually start to see a problem real quick." -- Dr. Robert Marbut describing the impact of proposed budget cuts at the department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD).

"We're not leasing at all right now. Since December we have not issued any new vouchers, and we won't be issuing any vouchers for at least six months and possibly the entire year." -- Ed Mayer detailing the impact to the Butte County Section 8 rental assistance program caused by the federal mandate to manage the budget at 95% of the 2016 monetary levels.

00:00 -- Top of the hour and show theme
01:31 -- Show rundown
02:04 -- Ed Mayer, Executive Director of the Housing Authority of the County of Butte
15:35 -- Underwriter
16:06 -- Dr. Robert Marbut, a nationally recognized homeless consultant

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