December 10, 2021 11:30 Andrea Press, Noon Jon Rainwater, 12:30 Afaq Pooja and Nicole Kessler

Andrea Press, coauthor with Francesca Tripodi of Media-Ready Feminism and Everyday Sexism, How US Audiences Create Meaning Across Platforms. Suny Press. 

Jon Rainwater, Executive Director Peace Action- 

To call Congress- 202-224-3121. Our Ca. Senators are Diane Feinstein and Alex Padilla. 

Afaq Pooja and Nicole Kessler, North Valley Harm Reduction Coalition:

Narcan Training Dec. 18 Noon 171 E. 18th St. Chico

Syringe Reporting Line 332-8065

Free Store Donations needed for winter. 

  • 11:56am The Circle Game by Joni Mitchell on Ladies Of The Canyon (Rhino)
  • 11:58am by on ( )
  • 12:55pm Brain Power by Mela on Mela Two (Sottnik Music)
  • 12:56pm by on ( )
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8:00am, 12-23-2024
6:00am, 12-23-2024
12:00am, 12-23-2024
11:30pm, 12-22-2024